Stop being a victim of bullies

I was very confident girl in childhood but due to lack of good schools in my hometown i moved to a reputed university for further studies where i was supposed to stay in hostel.

I belong to a small place so my classmates started making fun of me,i had some language challenges also so i had to face problems….it started with my speaking problem and it kept going on .

They started making fun of my everything..start from dress sense to the way i look confidence became very low…i started seeing myself from others point of view self esteem went very low ..i was good at studies but because of this low self esteem i could not get good marks despite studying hard…

I always thought..i am good for nothing..i am a “lallu Panju” gal..

Everyone is better than me…i never thought good about myself..i started facing challanges in smallest things also..

Be it holding a needle or tie rubber band or shoe laces…i always thought i cant do..

I am a bloody loser..

This went on for years ..rather i actully completed my studies…i became frustated..i started getting more angry..

But then i got job and finally i got rid of my so called school n College friends…

I Never had guys as friends because i wasnt comfortable talking to bullies were girls only..

When i moved into job then it was compulsion to talk to guys as at workplace you are supposed to work as team ..

So i became friends with guys plus i was not having any baggage from school n College so somehow i got real friends..n i was not motivated but i was not demotivated either… & Yes i was a new person ..

As i got friends i started expressing myself without having fear of judged ,bullied,made fun of …slowly i became a person i was not…

But that was not it…after some time i again met some set of people who tried to bully me …it surely felt bad but i was not shattered this time coz i had people who appreciated me,who.loved me for the way i am..

Still i dint know how to stop being a victim..but then a tough time came with me was a family issue…i got a well deserved long break from job so during this free time i got a chance to look into myself..

I started staying at home ,i observed ..not only my classmates bullied me but also some so called relatives…

I realised people bully you coz you let that behave like a victim..then i started working on myself slowly…

It took months to change into a confident and strong person..but i did with lots of changes…

Today also i m not that strong but yes i wont let anyone bully me…i have that confidence now…

What i did,how did i overcome.i will write in my next article….

Social media show off

People are too busy to show on social media that they have happy lives but in real if you ask them or yourselves


Nobody thinks about it or may be inside they are fighting a battle but outside they are showing as they are living life completely…

Everyone is thinking the same about other that they are having good life ,fun ..i am the only person who is not living the life fully…so this comparison is the root cause for everyone.

In real nobody is that much happy that you are showing on social media…

If you are too happy then you won’t want to post it on social media rather you will enjoy the moment truly..

If you are really happy you don’t need to show off your is pretty visible on youe face…

Another incident happened today as kushal punjabi committed suicide as if you see his social media accounts he is living life like there is no tomorrow but was it reality..of course not…

There are many incidents happening on daily basis but still people want to live in this fake world…

People who have some problems ,just go to your dear and near ones share it with them without fear of being judged..

Stop pretending to be happy if you are not..

Just live the life fully…nothing is bigger than life…

Life is so uncertain…

Life is so uncertain…For last few months i heard shocking news about my known people who are leaving this world…some by their choice some by destiny…

So this thought came to my mind..

We often feel sad or unsatisfied,we curse life if we don’t get what we want, whereas we even don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow.

We hold grudges against people,we envy,we fight but if just look at larger picture why are we doing it when life is so uncertain ,so unpredictable..

Live in the whatever you want to is only one..

Physical disability

Time ago my one close friend got some physical injury and she got into very negative zone for some time..

I was wondering what if this is not going to be cured ..she felt like she dint deserve anything good..although her injury is cured till some extent but not completely

But is your worth limited to your physical appreacnce or physical ability or disability.

I also had the same feeling .i always thought what would i do i u have the same.

But the answer was same.i would have reacted in same way.

Then one day i was surfing youtube and came across many videos on youtube where people are physically disabled but they are doing too good in life..

So then i came to know that your physical appreacnce is nothing but your passion,your thoughts makes you what you are…but after that i forgot those videos and i was back into same zone as my friend..

one day i bumped into my childhood friend and i got to know her story ..

She had brain tumor due to which she lost her eye sight ..she had to leave her studies in between ..she sat home for 6 years doing nothing…

How worst would have it been…but this is what I was thinking…

Yes it was heart wrenching but the way she handled her life was very couregous.

She dint lose hope then she started her t again,she got govt job,she got married ,she is about to start her own family..still she has some struggles but she is handling it in very good and positive manner..

She is doing every damn thing which other persons do..she is fulfilling every dreams of her…

She is inspiration for many .I admire her a lot for her couregous attitude.

Both were having the same issue.. physical problem ..later one was having more trouble instaed of the former..

So seeing two different people of life my thought process changed.

There are always two sides of can always chose positive or negative.

It is not your physical appearance that makes you rather it is your thoughts and attitude which makes you.

Drop in your comments for sharing your views.


Housewives are underratted in india..

In my opinion housewives are underratted in india..though they are working all the time ..they don’t get any holiday but still everybody make them feel less appreciated…

She is not getting ample time for herself ..

From taking care of children to how much rashan is left in the kitchen, she looks into every damn thing in the family..but at the end housewives only listen one sentence…

“What do u do all the time”..

They sacrifice thier life for taking care of house, husband,in law’s ,children but in return they get nothing but always questions…

Why only women are supposed to cook and take care of children ,why men can’t do that??

Where is the equality then..

Women too have much potential to grow but in the name of housewife she is bombarded with responsibilities…

And till end everyone keeps asking..

What do you do all the time…

Biggest irony of our society..

Drop in your comments if you agree..or even disagree..let me know different opinion…